2025 Summer Session Frequently Asked Questions

What are the various modes of instruction for summer sessions?

In-Person: In these courses, the professor will be in the classroom with the students.
Remote: For these courses, both the students and the instructors will work remotely. Remote courses are listed with sections in the ’90’ range.

Will the remote summer classes be held over Zoom? I am not in the same time zone as Trinity and it may be difficult for me.

Summer session courses will be offered as either in-person or via remote instruction. Refer to the course schedule for mode of instruction. What remote courses will look like may vary by course/professor; however, all summer session courses will be taught synchronously with the understanding that the instructor(s) and students will be ‘together’ during the scheduled time of the course. You should contact the professor for course(s) you are interested in for more individualized course expectations.

What is the tuition for summer classes?

Summer session course tuition is $3,465 per course credit and $350 for internship and summer research credit.
In 2025, there are no registration or application fees.

Is Financial Aid available for summer courses?

Trinity College students who receive financial aid during the academic year (fall and/or spring) may be eligible for grant support for summer courses. Please contact us via email Financial Aid Office or via phone at 860-297-2046 for further information.

How do I register for a summer course?

Registration for summer courses is available beginning on Tuesday March 25, 2025 on TCOnline.
Visiting students to Trinity should first read through Information for Visiting Students and submit a visiting student application. Visiting Student registration is on a space available basis and you will be contacted with registration information once your visiting student application has been reviewed.

How many courses can I take at Trinity during the summer sessions?

Students may enroll in a maximum of two courses per summer session. All summer session courses must be taken for a grade, not on a pass/fail basis.

What is the last date students can register for summer session courses?

Students can enroll in summer session courses through the end of each session’s add/drop period.

Can I take online courses at another college/university this summer for transfer credit to Trinity?

Yes. In order to transfer any course from another institution, the student should submit an Transfer Credit Application to the Registrar’s Office. In addition, approval from the associated Department Chair is needed for remote courses and courses being considered toward major credit.
For both in-person and remote transfer courses, it is highly recommended that students submit the Transfer Credit Application and wait to be notified of approval by the Registrar’s Office prior to any final registration.

Please note that only courses taught in a synchronous manner will be approved for transfer.